Tuesday, October 04, 2005

Design Patterns and Application Frameworks : Event at KU Gone Good!

Last week was invited to speak at an event organized by CSKU.NET and ACM-CSKU. Ali, a new UG leader of CSKU.NET organized the event.

My talk revolved around "Re-usability" in software engineering domain. I talked about different levels of "re-usability" spanning from programming language to design and architecure of a software. This time around i kept Q/A for the end of the session and ensured the smooth flow of presentation. I showed the audience how to implement MVC framework by considering a real world example and writing some pseudo-code. I like the way audience responded and they really enjoyed the idea of using MVC, the next they do any GUI based development.

In the end of the session I discussed "Abstract Factory Pattern". I showed audience the class diagram and talked about usage scenarios of Abstract Factory Pattern. This all followed with a brief Q/A session where i discussed the use ORM (Object
Relational Mapping) in a layered architecture for an application.

After the Q/A session i was presented with a certificate from ACM-CSKU and CSKU-INETA by Mr. Badar Sami of Dept. Of Computer Science, University Of Karachi.
Presnetation can be downloaded here

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