Following is a summarized event update:
1- NU-FAST.NET Event

Event at NU-FAST went good some 75 students/faculty members attended the event. It was the first of Ramadhan so it was a tough one to go there and speak for almost an hour or so.
FAST UG Leader,Munir Usman, picked me up from my office at 9:15 and we reached at about 10 AM at FAST main campus. It was my first speaking assignement at FAST and it was good being there.Following is an event report submitted by UG Leader.
We had an excellent event today at our campus by user group. Event started with the recitation of holy verses followed by a brief introduction of user group and topic by one of our user group members. Mr. Hammad Rajjoub was, then, invited to speak about the topic.He started the discussion with the description of the need of distributed computing with introduction of some old methods of distributed computing. He, then, came towards the main part of the discussion, i.e. XML Web Services, after telling audience about challenges and problems associated with Distributed Computing using previous methods.He gave a detailed introduction of XML Web Services and told about how to use XML Web Services for distributed computing and how this method is different from its legacy formats. In depth explanation of underlying technologies, used by XML Web Services i.e. SOAP, WSDL and UDDI, was also given by him.After that he told about implementation of XML Web Services in MS .NET platform.
By practically demonstrating, He easily convinced the audience that implementation of XML Web Service in Visual is just a matter of few clicks.Throughout the discussion, his focused was to explain Service Oriented nature of XML Web Services. Some drawbacks and limitation of XML Web Services were also told by him. Finally he shared some really good resources with audience for further study of this topic.The audience actively participated through out the session and some really good and interesting questions were asked in Q/A session which were treated with satisfied answer from the speaker.In the end, our Chief Guest, Mr. Ayaz Ahmed, Assistant Professor at FAST-NU, gave his views about the event. He encouraged the activities of and thanked speaker for sharing his knowledge with students. Then the speaker, Mr. Hammad Rajjoub, was awarded Shield of Honor from Chief Guest.I would like to thank the speaker for conducting the technical session excellently, student volunteers for arranging a well managed and successful event, FAST-NU Faculty members for their support and audience for their great participation.
2- CSKU.NET Event
Here I talked about Application Frameworks and Design Patterns . Head count was good and i believe some 100 students and professional attended the event. I already blogged about the event details. Following is an event report from Ali (CSKU.NET UG Leader).
CSKU .Net User Group for Department of Computer Science, University of Karachi in collaboration with ACM (Association of Computing Machinery) CSKU arranged a seminar at Dept. of Computer Science, University of Karachi on October 01, 2005. The Venue for this event was BS-Lecture Hall, at DCS. Topic for this event was “Design Patterns and Application Framework”.
Mr. Hammad Rajjoub, an MVP (Most Valued Professional), Chairman UG Relations Comm., BS (Computer Science) from Karachi University, and most importantly a senior Speaker in Speakers Bureau for INETA in Pakistan was the speaker. Event that was scheduled to start at 11:00 am was a bit late, due to some reasons it started on 11:30 am with head start by the Speaker with introduction of Design Patterns and Application Framework.
Speaker told attendees about different problem solving paradigms and then a brief introduction to Design Patterns. Then he introduces Application Framework and finally discussed MVC (Model View Control) with respect to a scenario of a database application with some business rules. The point of concentration during the session was what design patterns and application framework is and where to use it. Abstract Factory pattern was discussed with respect to an example of ADO.NET. In the last whole information presented was overviewed by speaker.
We had around 100 attendees during the event comprising of both professionals and students. Students from other universities also took part in our event which is a really boost for us. Attendees rated Mr. Hammad Rajjoub knowledge as excellent, and found him quiet fluent in the overall discussion. They rated content delivered during the session as the best content. All attendees encouraged INETA user group CSKU .Net and ACM CSKU to arrange more of these kinds of sessions. According to attendees such kind of presentations and opportunities to learn will provide students a path to explore themselves, so they encourage User Group Leader to have further opportunities like this. Session ended at 1:15 PM but before ending there was Q/A from the students.
CSKU .Net is further looking forward to have more sessions like these. The Credit goes to Mr. Hammad Rajjoub and honorable Chairperson Department of Computer Science, Prof. Dr. Nasir Tauheed, for providing such a good support and opportunity to CSKU .Net User Group panel.
In last, CSKU .Net User Group & ACM CSKU would like to thank all the attendees and students from Department of Computer Science, University of Karachi, Prof. Dr. Nasir Tauheed (Chairperson DCS-KU), Mr. Hammad Rajjoub (Speaker at our Event), and All User Group Leaders and Members, in making our event successful.
3- SSUET - .NET Project Ideas:

One of the topics that we have presented before. This time however it was tag show. I and Adnan were to conduct the event (infact had Saqib sahib been there we all 3 would have presented it - each bringing in a different aspect to the discussion).
Event went good some 40-50 participants were present and I again got late to reach the event but made it some how. I talked about possibilites of working on Smart clients and Quantum Computation etc.
xzypdpzNice stuff!
xzypdpz thanks :)
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