Monday, July 24, 2006

Beyond SOA : Software Architecture of the future....

Check out at MSDN

Today, new social movements, advances in technology, and forces within business are colliding to create a landscape overflowing with challenges and opportunities. In many cases, these forces have driven the deployment of new technologies and the adoption of new behaviors, adding multiple layers to an already complex set of issues that must be navigated. Architects are searching for a solution to manage this complexity. SOA, ESB, Software as a Service, Web 2.0, and Edge are all elements of the solution, but are they the complete picture? Are they a sufficient answer to the issues? Can they be used together in a productive and efficient fashion?
We have the opportunity now to think about what the software architecture of the future looks like; for software architects to take a step back and to forecast what lies over the horizon. To move beyond SOA we must find a way to connect the user edge of software development to the existing services infrastructure of the enterprise; to reconnect the people to the platform. This keynote examines these issues and discusses Microsoft’s vision for the future.

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